The destruction of the second Bet ha Mikdash the house of our holiness and glory and the fact that we were exiled from our land was due to the sin of Bittul Torah (abandoning, annulling the Torah) as it is explained: (Devarim 29, 23-24) “And all the nations will say: “Why did Hashem did...
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One hour of study of the Zohar is the equivalent of thirty days of the study of the plain meaning of the Torah
Our holy master Rabbi Hayim Vital, in the introduction to the book Etz Hayim, warned the students of the Torah those who listen to the word of G-d, the great obligation they have to study the hidden Torah (Kabbalah), and the great punishment for neglecting its study, because one hour of...
Shimon Bar Yochai said: ‘Woe to the man who regards the Torah as a book of mere tales and everyday matters. If that were so, even we could compose a Torah dealing with everyday affairs, and of even greater excellence. Even the princes of the world possess books of greater worth...
And this is the answer that I gave to one person who asked me about what the students of the Ari ha kaddosh wrote, that the study of the Zohar ha Kaddosh is a great Tikun to illuminate and sanctify the soul. And the Ari HaKaddosh gave this Tikun for the Baal Teshuvah, to say five pages of...
The study of the book of the Zohar is a great help to purify and to bring sanctity to the soul and even if one doesn’t know what he’s saying and makes many mistakes while reading, it is of great importance to the Holy One Blessed Be He. And we see that in regards to the study of the...